Friday, August 14, 2009

Truth Knife needs YOU!

please join the facebook group, truth knife. LINK
it has additional information regarding the murder of our freedoms and the birth of a new world order.

if you live in jacksonville, we will be holding our first "informative gathering" on august 24th.
we need as many people as possible to come out to help spread the message.
more information can be found here.

thank you.

Healthcare Reform = Dangerous

a woman in jacksonville was silenced for speaking out regarding the healthcare reform.
throughout the proposed text, are countless attacks to our already decreasing freedoms.
i put a video together which shares the woman's story as well as breaking down a few of the key dangers within the reform.

do not let them lie to you. just because they say something, it doesn't make it true. just read for yourself, do your own research, you will see that they're goal is to manipulate you away from the truth.

the video:

the lie:

the truth is, your freedom and your life are in danger.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

York Rite / Lee High "Informative Gathering" (Jacksonville, FL)

august 24th is the first day of school for duval county.
on that tuesday morning we will stand in front of the york rite building (located directly across from robert e. lee high school) and give the youth a real dose of education, spreading encouragement through information to oppose the lies spread by an entity directly connected with the establishment we will be using as our platform's backdrop.

why a masonic lodge's doorstep is being used for our gathering...
for those who are not familiar with the illuminati or powerful elitists working towards further enslaving or terminating the masses through many forms of manipulation which we experience every day, masons seem to be a harmless fraternity that may be secretive to a degree but not for any reason to consider them dangerous.

the more you study the agenda of the elite and how they have orchestrated major catastrophes and cover ups to carry out that agenda, everything becomes clear as day. in that clarity, you find many masonic connections. these are not by coincidence.

video research:
freemasons: america, land of lucifer
freemasonry & christianity
current freemasonic enemies of america part 1
current freemasonic enemies of america part 2
current freemasonic enemies of america part 3
current freemasonic enemies of america part 4

other research:
athiests on the enlightenment, freemasonry, and the illuminati
freemasonry connections with the new world order

stay tuned, as final research is performed this week to prepare for the gathering,
ideas for signs and banners to display will also be announced.
any ideas are appreciated.
the general idea is to inspire the kids of lee high school to look beyond their history books
and begin finding out information on their own in order to detach themselves from the brainwashing methods of the elite.

please spread the word.

thank you.